Kubernetes Certification
Certified Kubernetes Administrator(Cka)

Damian Igbe

Last Update:

Aug. 31, 2022

Course Overview

The purpose of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program is to provide assurance that CKAs have the skills, knowledge, and competency to perform the responsibilities of Kubernetes administrators.

Suggested Prerequisite Courses

  • Docker Essentials
  • Docker Admin


Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration (25%)

  • Manage role based access control (RBAC)

  • Use Kubeadm to install a basic cluster

  • Manage a highly-available Kubernetes cluster

  • Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster

  • Perform a version upgrade on a Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm

  • Implement etcd backup and restore

Workloads & Scheduling (15%)

  • Understand deployments and how to perform rolling update and rollbacks

  • Use ConfigMaps and Secrets to configure applications

  • Know how to scale applications

  • Understand the primitives used to create robust, self-healing, application deployments

  • Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling

  • Awareness of manifest management and common templating tools

Services & Networking (20%)

  • Understand host networking configuration on the cluster nodes

  • Understand connectivity between Pods

  • Understand ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer service types and endpoints

  • Know how to use Ingress controllers and Ingress resources

  • Know how to configure and use CoreDNS

  • Choose an appropriate container network interface plugin

Storage (10%)

  • Understand storage classes, persistent volumes

  • Understand volume mode, access modes and reclaim policies for volumes

  • Understand persistent volume claims primitive

  • Know how to configure applications with persistent storage

Troubleshooting (30%)

  • Evaluate cluster and node logging

  • Understand how to monitor applications

  • Manage container stdout & stderr logs

  • Troubleshoot application failure

  • Troubleshoot cluster component failure

  • Troubleshoot networking

The Kubernetes Architecture


Control Plane Components

The control plane's components make global decisions about the cluster (for example, scheduling), as well as detecting and responding to cluster events (for example, starting up a new pod when a Deployment's replicas field is unsatisfied).

Control plane components can be run on any machine in the cluster. However, for simplicity, setup scripts typically start all control plane components on the same machine, and do not run user containers on this machine. See Creating Highly Available clusters with kubeadm for an example control plane setup that runs across multiple machines.


The API server is a component of the Kubernetes control plane that exposes the Kubernetes API. The API server is the front end for the Kubernetes control plane.

The main implementation of a Kubernetes API server is kube-apiserver. kube-apiserver is designed to scale horizontally—that is, it scales by deploying more instances. You can run several instances of kube-apiserver and balance traffic between those instances.


Consistent and highly-available key value store used as Kubernetes' backing store for all cluster data.

If your Kubernetes cluster uses etcd as its backing store, make sure you have a back up plan for the data.

You can find in-depth information about etcd in the official documentation.


Control plane component that watches for newly created Pods with no assigned node, and selects a node for them to run on.

Factors taken into account for scheduling decisions include: individual and collective resource requirements, hardware/software/policy constraints, affinity and anti-affinity specifications, data locality, inter-workload interference, and deadlines.


Control plane component that runs controller processes.

Logically, each controller is a separate process, but to reduce complexity, they are all compiled into a single binary and run in a single process.

There are many different types of controllers. Some examples of them are:

  • Node controller: Responsible for noticing and responding when nodes go down.
  • Job controller: Watches for Job objects that represent one-off tasks, then creates Pods to run those tasks to completion.
  • EndpointSlice controller: Populates EndpointSlice objects (to provide a link between Services and Pods).
  • ServiceAccount controller: Create default ServiceAccounts for new namespaces.

The above is not an exhaustive list.


A Kubernetes control plane component that embeds cloud-specific control logic. The cloud controller manager lets you link your cluster into your cloud provider's API, and separates out the components that interact with that cloud platform from components that only interact with your cluster.

The cloud-controller-manager only runs controllers that are specific to your cloud provider. If you are running Kubernetes on your own premises, or in a learning environment inside your own PC, the cluster does not have a cloud controller manager.

As with the kube-controller-manager, the cloud-controller-manager combines several logically independent control loops into a single binary that you run as a single process. You can scale horizontally (run more than one copy) to improve performance or to help tolerate failures.

The following controllers can have cloud provider dependencies:

  • Node controller: For checking the cloud provider to determine if a node has been deleted in the cloud after it stops responding
  • Route controller: For setting up routes in the underlying cloud infrastructure
  • Service controller: For creating, updating and deleting cloud provider load balancers

Node Components

Node components run on every node, maintaining running pods and providing the Kubernetes runtime environment.


An agent that runs on each node in the cluster. It makes sure that containers are running in a Pod.

The kubelet takes a set of PodSpecs that are provided through various mechanisms and ensures that the containers described in those PodSpecs are running and healthy. The kubelet doesn't manage containers which were not created by Kubernetes.


kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster, implementing part of the Kubernetes Service concept.

kube-proxy maintains network rules on nodes. These network rules allow network communication to your Pods from network sessions inside or outside of your cluster.

kube-proxy uses the operating system packet filtering layer if there is one and it's available. Otherwise, kube-proxy forwards the traffic itself.

Container runtime

A fundamental component that empowers Kubernetes to run containers effectively. It is responsible for managing the execution and lifecycle of containers within the Kubernetes environment.

Kubernetes supports container runtimes such as containerdCRI-O, and any other implementation of the Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface).


Addons use Kubernetes resources (DaemonSetDeployment, etc) to implement cluster features. Because these are providing cluster-level features, namespaced resources for addons belong within the kube-system namespace.

Selected addons are described below; for an extended list of available addons, please see Addons.


While the other addons are not strictly required, all Kubernetes clusters should have cluster DNS, as many examples rely on it.

Cluster DNS is a DNS server, in addition to the other DNS server(s) in your environment, which serves DNS records for Kubernetes services.

Containers started by Kubernetes automatically include this DNS server in their DNS searches.

Web UI (Dashboard)

Dashboard is a general purpose, web-based UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to manage and troubleshoot applications running in the cluster, as well as the cluster itself.

Container Resource Monitoring

Container Resource Monitoring records generic time-series metrics about containers in a central database, and provides a UI for browsing that data.

Cluster-level Logging

cluster-level logging mechanism is responsible for saving container logs to a central log store with search/browsing interface.

Network Plugins

Network plugins are software components that implement the container network interface (CNI) specification. They are responsible for allocating IP addresses to pods and enabling them to communicate with each other within the cluster.

The Lab Environment

The following Labs  were run on a 3-node cluster deployed  with kubeadm (1 master node and 2 worker nodes running Kubernetes v1.15.1 and kubectl 1.15.1). To get started you will first deploy a 3-node cluster and then use the cluster for subsequent labs.

Lab Index

  • Lab 1: Deploy Kubernetes with kubeadm
  • Lab 2: Deploy Kubernetes  Dashboard add-on (Optional)
  • Lab 3: Cli - Covers the basics of using kubectl to interact with a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Lab 4: Core - lab of the core concepts, or building blocks of Kubernetes.
  • Lab 5: Kubernetes Workloads
  • Lab 6: Configuration - labs going over how to use the two Configuration objects ConfigMaps and Secrets.

LAB 1: Kubernetes Deployment With Kubeadm

Install Kubernetes on a cloud platform

Login to all the IP addresses given to you

If you have MacOS Laptop

Run the following commands in a terminal

chmod 600 /path/to/labkey

ssh -i /path/to/labkey root@<server IP>

If you have Windows Laptop

Open Putty and configure a new session. Expand “ConnectionSSHAuth and then specify the PPK file. Now save your session.

Perform the following after you are able to login to the servers.

Part 1: Install Docker on All servers

First, in order to ensure the downloads are valid, add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to your system:

curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -

Add the Docker repository to APT sources:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Next, update the package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repo:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce

sudo systemctl status docker

sudo iptables --flush

Test Docker: Make sure docker is properly installed before moving to the second stage to install Kubernetes

docker ps

docker run hello-world

docker images

Part 2: Install Kubernetes on all servers

Following commands must be run as the root user. 

Install packages required for Kubernetes on all servers as the root user

apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https

curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add -

Create Kubernetes repository by running the following as one command.

cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list

deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main


Now that you've added the repository install the packages

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 6A030B21BA07F4FB

apt-get update

apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl


The kubelet is now restarting every few seconds, as it waits in a crashloop for kubeadm to tell it what to do.

Do this only on Master Node: Initialize the Master

Run the following command on the master node to initialize

kubeadm init --ignore-preflight-errors all

If everything was successful the output will contain

Your Kubernetes master has initialized successfully!

Note the kubeadm join... command, it will be needed later on.

Now configure server so you can interact with Kubernetes as the unprivileged user.

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube

sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config

sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Run following on the master to enable IP forwarding to IPTables.

sudo sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1


Do this only on Master node: Configure Pod overlay network with Weave CNI

Install a Pod network on the master node

export kubever=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')

kubectl apply -f "https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$kubever"

Wait until coredns pod is in a running state

kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Do this only on Worker Nodes: Join nodes to cluster

Log into each of the worker nodes and run the join command from kubeadm init master output.

sudo kubeadm join --token <token> <IP>:6443 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash <hash>

To confirm nodes have joined successfully log back into master and run

watch kubectl get nodes


When they are in a Ready state the cluster is online and nodes have been joined. Congrats!

Verifying Install

kubectl version


You should get output similar to the following:

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.1", GitCommit:"4485c6f18cee9a5d3c3b4e523bd27972b1b53892", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-07-18T14:25:20Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}

Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.1", GitCommit:"4485c6f18cee9a5d3c3b4e523bd27972b1b53892", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-07-18T09:09:21Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

 kubectl is the   Kubernetes client used primaryly for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster. . You must familiarise yourself with kubectl

Here is the lab outline:

  • kubectl Syntax Structure
  • Context and kubeconfig
    • kubectl config
    • Lab: Using Contexts
  • kubectl Basics
    • kubectl get
    • kubectl create
    • kubectl apply
    • kubectl edit
    • kubectl describe
    • kubectl logs
    • kubectl delete
    • Lab: The Basics
  • Accessing the Cluster
    • kubectl exec
    • Lab: Executing Commands within a Remote Pod
    • kubectl proxy
    • Dashboard
    • Lab Using the Proxy
  • Clean up

Kubectl Syntax Structure

kubectl <command> <type> <name> <flags>

  • command - The command or operation to perform. e.g. apply, create, delete, and get.
  • Type - The resource type or object, e.g.  pod, deployment, ervice
  • Name - The name of the resource or object.
  • Flags - Optional flags to pass to the command.

Examples to Illustrate the syntax

1. First let's create a pod and name it 'mypod'

$ kubectl run mypod --image=nginx

2. Let's see the pod by listing all the running pods in the default namespace

$ kubectl get pods

3. Let's see the specific pod we just created by specifying the pod name

$ kubectl get pod mypod

4. Let's delete the pod when done

$ kubectl delete pod mypod


Context and kubeconfig

Kubectl allows a user to interact with and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters. To do this, it requires what is known as a context. A context consists of a combination of cluster, namespace and user.

  • Cluster - A friendly name, server address, and certificate for the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Namespace (optional) - The logical cluster or environment to use. If none is provided, it will use the default default namespace.
  • User - The credentials used to connect to the cluster. This can be a combination of client certificate and key, username/password, or token.

These contexts are stored in a local yaml based config file referred to as the kubeconfig. For unix based systems, the kubeconfig is stored in $HOME/.kube/config

This config is viewable without having to view the file directly.

$ kubectl config view


apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: DATA+OMITTED
  name: kubernetes
- context:
    cluster: kubernetes
    user: kubernetes-admin
  name: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
current-context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: kubernetes-admin
    client-certificate-data: DATA+OMITTED
    client-key-data: DATA+OMITTED

kubectl config

Managing all aspects of contexts is done via the kubectl config command.

To see all the command line options type:

$kubectl config

Some examples include:

  • See the active context with kubectl config current-context.
  • Get a list of available contexts with kubectl config get-contexts.
  • Switch to using another context with the kubectl config use-context <context-name> command.
  • Add a new context with kubectl config set-context <context name> --cluster=<cluster name> --user=<user> --namespace=<namespace>.


Lab: Using Contexts

Objective: Create a new context called minidev and switch to it. This is just to illustrate switching between contexts. Typically, there are more steps to create a context but here we are just reusing existsing user called 'kubernetes-admin'

  1. View the current contexts.

$ kubectl config get-contexts

  1. Create a new context called minidev within the kubernetes cluster with the dev namespace, as the  kubernetes-admin user

$ kubectl config set-context minidev --cluster=kubernetes --user=kubernetes-admin --namespace=dev

  1. View the newly added context.

$kubectl config get-contexts

  1. Switch to the minidev context using use-context.

$ kubectl config use-context minidev

  1. View the current active context.

$ kubectl config current-context

  1. Switch back to your previous context 

$kubectl config use-context kubernetes-admin@kubernetes


Summary: Understanding and being able to switch between contexts is a base fundamental skill required by every Kubernetes user. As more clusters and namespaces are added, this can become unwieldy. Installing a helper application such as kubectx can be quite helpful. Kubectx allows a user to quickly switch between contexts and namespaces without having to use the full kubectl config use-context command.


Lab: Install kubectx and kubens

To install both kubectx and kubens we use snapd utility. Snapd may already be installed but let's make sure we have it installed by running the commands:

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install snapd

With snapd enabled, we can now install kubectx and kubens by running the commands:

$sudo snap install kubectx --classic

Now that we have them installed, we can use them handy:

  • kubectx to switch contexts
  • kubens to switch namespaces

Some examples:

$ kubens

To switch to the default namespace use:

$kubens deault

To list the current contexts use:




To switch to a context use:

$kubectx  kubernetes-admin@kubernetes


Kubectl Basics

There are several kubectl commands that are frequently used for day-to-day operations. examples include get, create, apply, delete, describe, and logs. Other commands can be listed simply with kubectl --help, or kubectl <command> --help.

Let's disscuss the commands:

kubectl get

kubectl get fetches and lists objects of a certain type or a specific object itself. It also supports outputting the information in several different useful formats including: json, yaml, wide (additional columns), or name (names only) via the -o or –output flag.


kubectl get <type>

kubectl get <type> <name>

kubectl get <type> <name> -o <output format>


$ kubectl get namespaces

NAME              STATUS   AGE

default           Active   4h10m
kube-node-lease   Active   4h10m
kube-public       Active   4h10m
kube-system       Active   4h10m

$kubectl get pod  -o wide


mypod       1/1         Running            0          9s   node02          <none>                     <none>

kubectl create

kubectl create creates an object from the commandline (stdin) or a supplied json/yaml manifest.

The manifests can be specified with the -f or –-ilename flag that can point to either a file, or a directory containing multiple manifests.


  • kubectl create <type> <parameters>
  • kubectl create -f <path to manifest>


$ kubectl create namespace dev

namespace "dev" created

$ kubectl create -f manifests/mypod.yaml

pod "mypod" created


kubectl apply

kubectl apply is similar to kubectl create. It will essentially update the resource if it is already created, or simply create it if does not yet exist. When it updates the config, it will save the previous version of it in an annotation on the created object itself. WARNING: If the object was not created initially with kubectl apply it's updating behavior will act as a two-way diff. 

Just like kubectl create it takes a json or yaml manifest with the -f flag or accepts input from stdin.


kubectl apply -f <path to manifest>


$ kubectl apply -f manifests/mypod.yaml

Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply

pod "mypod" configured


kubectl edit

kubectl edit modifies a resource in place without having to apply an updated manifest. It fetches a copy of the desired object and opens it locally with the configured text editor, set by the KUBE_EDITOR or EDITOR Environment Variables. This command is useful for troubleshooting, but should be avoided in production scenarios as the changes will essentially be untracked.


$ kubectl edit <type> <object name>


kubectl edit pod mypod

kubectl edit service myservice


kubectl describe

kubectl describe lists detailed information about the specific Kubernetes object. It is a very helpful troubleshooting tool.


kubectl describe <type>

kubectl describe <type> <name>



kubectl  describe pod mypod

kubectl describe pod mypod
Name:             mypod
Namespace:        default
Priority:         0
Service Account:  default
Node:             node01/
Start Time:       Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:57:03 +0000
Labels:           run=mypod
Annotations:      <none>
Status:           Running
    Container ID:   containerd://36a2919fe96f516cc9cdee76d5518cbe11dd944d1f09d3e985f77f7da1b9a37c
    Image:          nginx
    Image ID:       docker.io/library/nginx@sha256:b31263533dda53e7d9762dce38da81452ec0a959a1f714859466bc4c5e9cbbae
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Running
      Started:      Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:57:09 +0000
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-fpm9k (ro)


  kubectl logs

kubectl logs outputs the combined stdout and stderr logs from a pod. If more than one container exist in a pod the -c flag is used and the container name must be specified.


kubectl logs <pod name>

kubectl logs <pod name> -c <container name>


$ kubectl logs mypod - - [10/Mar/2018:18:14:15 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "curl/7.57.0" "-" - - [10/Mar/2018:18:14:17 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "curl/7.57.0" "-"


kubectl delete

deletes the object from Kubernetes.


kubectl delete <type> <name>


$ kubectl delete pod mypod

pod "mypod" deleted


LAB: The Basics

Objective: Explore the basics.. Here you will practice and learn the following:

  • Create a namespace,
  • Create a pod
  • Describe the pod
  • Delete the pod created.
  1. Create the dev namespace.

kubectl create namespace dev

  1. Save this manifests to mypod.yaml.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:1.14.2
    - containerPort: 80



Then create it with:

kubectl apply -f mypod.yaml

  1. Get the yaml output of the created pod mypod.

kubectl get pod mypod -o yaml

  1. Describe the pod mypod.

kubectl describe pod mypod

  1. Clean up the pod by deleting it.

kubectl delete pod mypod


Accessing the Cluster

Kubectl provides several mechanisms for accessing resources within the cluster remotely. For this lab, the focus will be on using kubectl exec to get a remote shell within a container, and kubectl proxy to gain access to the services exposed through the API proxy.


kubectl exec

kubectl exec executes a command within a Pod and can optionally spawn an interactive terminal within a remote container. When more than one container is present within a Pod, the -c or –container flag is required, followed by the container name.

If an interactive session is desired, the -i (--stdin) and -t(--tty) flags must be supplied.


kubectl exec <pod name> -- <arg>

kubectl exec <pod name> -c <container name> -- <arg>

kubectl exec  -i -t <pod name> -c <container name> -- <arg>

kubectl exec  -it <pod name> -c <container name> -- <arg>


$kubectl exec mypod -c mypod -- printenv


$ kubectl exec -i -t mypod -c mypod -- /bin/sh




LAB: Executing Commands within a Remote Pod

Objective: Use kubectl exec to both initiate commands and spawn an interactive shell within a Pod.


  1. If not already created, create the Pod mypod from the manifest manifests/mypod.yaml.

$ kubectl create -f manifests/mypod.yaml

  1. Wait for the Pod to become ready (running). Press ctrl+c to exit the display

$ kubectl get pods --watch

  1. Use kubectl exec to cat the file /etc/os-release.

$ kubectl exec mypod -- cat /etc/os-release


PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"

It should output the contents of the os-release file.

  1. Now use kubectl exec and supply the -i -t flags to spawn a shell session within the container.

$ kubectl exec -i -t mypod -- /bin/sh


If executed correctly, it should drop you into a new shell session within the nginx container.

  1. Use ls to view the current root directories within the container.

# ls

There should be two nginx processes along with a /bin/sh process representing your interactive shell.

  1. Exit out of the container simply by typing exit. With that the shell process will be terminated and the only running processes within the container should once again be nginx and its worker process.


Summary: kubectl exec is not often used, but is an important skill to be familiar with when it comes to Pod debugging.


kubectl proxy

kubectl proxy enables access to both the Kubernetes API-Server and to resources running within the cluster securely using kubectl. By default it creates a connection to the API-Server that can be accessed at or an alternative port by supplying the -p or –port flag.



kubectl proxy

kubectl proxy --port=<port>



$ kubectl proxy

Starting to serve on


Do the following from another terminal since this terminal is now engaged. Alternatively, you can run the above command in the background by placing $ at the end,  like 'kubectl proxy &' and then run the following commands from the same shell.

$ curl

  "major": "1",
  "minor": "29",
  "gitVersion": "v1.29.6",
  "gitCommit": "062798d53d83265b9e05f14d85198f74362adaca",
  "gitTreeState": "clean",
  "buildDate": "2024-06-11T20:17:07Z",
  "goVersion": "go1.21.11",
  "compiler": "gc",
  "platform": "linux/arm64"


The Kubernetes API-Server has the built in capability to proxy to running services or pods within the cluster. This ability in conjunction with the kubectl proxy command allows a user to access those services or pods without having to expose them outside of the cluster.


  • proxy_address - The local proxy address -
  • namespace - The namespace owning the resources to proxy to.
  • service|pod- The type of resource you are trying to access, either service or pod.
  • service_name|pod_name- The name of the service or pod to be accessed.
  • [:port]- An optional port to proxy to. Will default to the first one exposed.



This will access nginx server


This will access the kubernetes-dashboard if it were deployed:



When done, you can kill the proxy by pressing ctrl+c


Remember to cleanup any resources you have might have created above like the pod.

Congratulations!! You have gone through the most important aspects of using the kubectl command but more may follow as the course progresses.

Exploring the Kubernetes Core Objects

  • Namespaces
    • LAB: Using Namespaces
  • Pods
    • LAB: Creating Pods
  • Labels and Selectors
    • LAB: Using Labels and Selectors
  • ReplicaSets
    • LAB: Understanding ReplicaSets
  • Deployments
    • LAB Using Deployments
    • LAB: Rolling Back a Deployment
  • DaemonSets
    • Exercise: Managing DaemonSets
    • Optional: Working with DaemonSet Revisions
  • StatefulSets
    • Exercise: Managing StatefulSets
    • Exercise: Understanding StatefulSet Network Identity
  • Jobs and Cronjobs
    • Exercise: Creating a Job
    • Exercise: Scheduling a CronJob
  • Helpful Resources
  • Cleaning up
  • Helpful Resources



Namespaces are a logical cluster or environment. They are the primary method of partitioning a cluster or scoping access. Namespaces function as the primary method of providing scoped names, access, and act as an umbrella for group based resource restriction. Creating and switching between them is quick and easy, but very important. Remember that you can use kubens to switch between nemaspaces. 

Exercise: Using Namespaces

  1. List the current namespaces

$ kubectl get namespaces

  1. Create the dev namespace

$ kubectl create namespace dev

3. create a pod object in the dev namespace

$ kubectl run pod1 --image=nginx --namespace dev

4. List the object in the dev namespace

$kubectl get pods -n dev



A pod is the atomic unit of Kubernetes. It is the smallest “unit of work” or “management resource” within the system and is the foundational building block of all Kubernetes Workloads. Becoming familiar with creating and viewing the general aspects of a Pod is an important skill though it is rare that one would manage Pods directly within Kubernetes. Pods are best managed using a contoller object like the Deployment object.

Note: These exercises build off the previous Core labs. If you have not done so, complete those before continuing.

LAB: Creating Pods

  1. Create a simple Pod called pod-example using the nginx:stable-alpine image and expose port 80. Use the manifest manifests/pod-example.yaml or the yaml below.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: pod-example



  - name: nginx

    image: nginx:stable-alpine


    - containerPort: 80

$ kubectl create -f manifests/pod-example.yaml

  1. Use kubectl to describe the Pod and note the available information.

$ kubectl describe pod pod-example

  1. Use kubectl proxy to verify the web server running in the deployed Pod.

$ kubectl proxy &

$ curl

The default "Welcome to nginx!" page should be visible.


$kubectl get pods -o wide


mypod   1/1     Running   0          124m   node01   <none>           <none>

$ curl

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
html { color-scheme: light dark; }
body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>
<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p>
<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>
  1. Using the same steps as above, create a new Pod called multi-container-example using the manifestmanifests/pod-multi-container-example.yaml or create a new one yourself with the below yaml.



apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: multi-container-example
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:stable-alpine
    - containerPort: 80
    - name: html
      mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
  - name: content
    image: alpine:latest
    - name: html
      mountPath: /html
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
      - while true; do
          echo $(date)"<br />" >> /html/index.html;
          sleep 5;
  - name: html
    emptyDir: {}

$ kubectl create -f manifests/pod-multi-container-example.yaml

Note: spec.containers is an array allowing you to use multiple containers within a Pod.

  1. Use the proxy to verify the web server running in the deployed Pod.

$ kubectl proxy &


There should be a repeating date-time-stamp.


Labels and Selectors

Labels are key-value pairs that are used to identify, describe and group together related sets of objects or resources.

Selectors use labels to filter or select objects and are used throughout Kubernetes.

Kubernetes makes heavy use of labels and selectors. 

LAB: Using Labels and Selectors: Explore the methods of labelling objects in addition to filtering them with both equality and set-based selectors.

  1. Label the Pod pod-example with app=nginx and environment=dev via kubectl.

$ kubectl label pod pod-example app=nginx environment=dev

  1. View the labels with kubectl by passing the –show-labels flag

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

  1. Update the multi-container example manifest created previously with the labels app=nginx and environment=prod then apply it via kubectl.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: multi-container-example
    app: nginx
    environment: prod
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:stable-alpine
    - containerPort: 80
    - name: html
      mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
  - name: content
    image: alpine:latest
    - name: html
      mountPath: /html
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
      - while true; do
          date >> /html/index.html;
          sleep 5;
  - name: html
    emptyDir: {}

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/pod-multi-container-example.yaml

  1. View the added labels with kubectl by passing the –show-labels flag once again.

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

  1. With the objects now labeled, use an equality based selectors targeting the prod environment.

$ kubectl get pods --selector environment=prod

  1. Do the same targeting the nginx app with the short version of the selector flag (-l).

$ kubectl get pods -l app=nginx

  1. Use a set based selectors to view all pods where the app label is nginx and filter out any that are in the prodenvironment.

$ kubectl get pods -l 'app in (nginx), environment notin (prod)'

$kubectl get pods -l 'app in (nginx), environment in (prod)'


Kubernetes Workloads :


Workloads within Kubernetes are higher level objects that manage Pods or other higher-level objects.

In ALL CASES a Pod Template is included, and acts as the base tier of management.


Unlike some of the other labs, the workload exercises should be cleaned up before moving onto the next workload type. The clean-up commands will be included after Summary section of the exercise.



ReplicaSets are the primary method of managing Pod replicas and their lifecycle. This includes their scheduling, scaling, and deletion.

Their job is simple, always ensure the desired number of replicas that match the selector are running.

LAB: In this lab you will:

  • Create and scale a ReplicaSet
  • Explore and gain an understanding of how the Pods are generated from the Pod template, and how they are targeted with selectors.
  • ReplicaSets ensure a desired number of replicas matching the selector are present.
  • They manage the lifecycle of ALL matching Pods. If the desired number of replicas matching the selector currently exist when the ReplicaSet is created, no new Pods will be created (this is whon below)
  • If they are missing, then the ReplicaSet Controller will create new Pods based off the Pod Template till the desired number of Replicas are present.
  1. We will create a ReplicaSet called rs-example with 3replicas, using the nginx:stable-alpine image and configure the labels and selectors to target app=nginx and env=prod. The yaml block below or the manifestmanifests/rs-example.yaml may be used.



apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet 
    app: rs-example
  name: rs-example
  replicas: 1
      app: nginx
      env: prod
        app: nginx
        env: prod 
      - image: nginx:stable-alpine
        name: nginx
        - containerPort: 80



$ kubectl create -f manifests/rs-example.yaml

  1. Watch as the newly created ReplicaSet provisions the Pods based off the Pod Template.

$ kubectl get pods --watch --show-labels


Note that the newly provisioned Pods are given a name based off the ReplicaSet name appended with a 5 character random string. These Pods are labeled with the labels as specified in the manifest.

  1. Scale ReplicaSet rs-example up to 5 replicas with the below command.

$ kubectl scale replicaset rs-example --replicas=5

Tip: replicaset can be substituted with rs when using kubectl.

  1. Describe rs-example and take note of the Replicas and Pod Status fields.

$ kubectl describe rs rs-example

  1. Now, using the scale command bring the replicas back down to 3.

$ kubectl scale rs rs-example --replicas=3

  1. Watch as the ReplicaSet Controller terminates 2 of the Pods to bring the cluster back into it's desired state of 3 replicas (you must do this quickly esle you will miss the action).

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

  1. Once rs-example is back down to 3 Pods. Create an independent Pod manually with the same labels as the one targeted by rs-example from the manifest manifests/pod-rs-example.yaml.



apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod



    app: nginx

    env: prod

  name: pod-example



  - image: nginx:stable-alpine

    name: nginx


    - containerPort: 80

$ kubectl create -f manifests/pod-rs-example.yaml

  1. Immediately watch the Pods.

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

Note that the Pod is created and immediately terminated.

  1. Describe rs-example and look at the events.

$ kubectl describe rs rs-example

There will be an entry with Deleted pod: pod-example towards the end of tyhe Events Section. This is because a ReplicaSet targets ALL Pods matching the labels supplied in the selector.


Clean Up:

kubectl delete rs rs-example



Deployments are a declarative method of managing Pods via ReplicaSets. They provide rollback functionality in addition to more granular update control mechanisms.

LAB: Using Deployments

  •  Create, update and scale a Deployment
  •  Explore the relationship of Deployment, ReplicaSet and Pod.
  1. Create a Deployment deploy-example. Configure it using the example yaml block below or use the manifest manifests/deploy-example.yaml. 



apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: Deployment 



    app: deploy-example

  name: deploy-example


  replicas: 3



      app: nginx




        app: nginx



      - image: nginx:stable-alpine

        name: nginx


        - containerPort: 80



$ kubectl create -f manifests/deploy-example.yaml --record

  1. Check the status of the Deployment.

$ kubectl get deployments

  1. Once the Deployment is ready, view the current ReplicaSets and be sure to show the labels.

$ kubectl get rs --show-labels

Note the name and pod-template-hash label of the newly created ReplicaSet. The created ReplicaSet's name will include the pod-template-hash. For example deploy-example-598bb489bf

  1. Describe the generated ReplicaSet.

$ kubectl describe rs deploy-example-598bb489bf

  • Look at both the Labels and the Selectors fields. The pod-template-hash value has automatically been added to both the Labels and Selector of the ReplicaSet.
  • Then take note of the Controlled By field. This will reference the direct parent object, and in this case the original deploy-example Deployment.
  1. Now, get the Pods and pass the –show-labels flag.

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

Just as with the ReplicaSet, the Pods name and labels include the pod-template-hash.

  1. Describe one of the Pods.

$ kubectl describe pod deploy-example-<pod-template-hash-<random>

For example:

$ kubectl describe pod deploy-example-598bb489bf-8fpft

Look at the Controlled By field. It will contain a reference to the parent ReplicaSet, but not the parent Deployment.


Updating Deployments:

Now that the relationship from Deployment to ReplicaSet to Pod is understood. It is time to update the deploy-example and see an update in action.

  1. Update the deploy-example manifest and add a few additional labels (env: dev) to the Pod template. 
  2. Once done, apply the change

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/deploy-example.yaml 

  < or >

$ kubectl edit deploy deploy-example

Tip: deploy can be substituted for deployment when using kubectl.

   2. Immediately watch the Pods.

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

The old version of the Pods will be phased out one at a time and instances of the new version will take its place. The way in which this is controlled is through the strategy stanza. For specific documentation this feature, see the Deployment Strategy Documentation.

3. Now view the ReplicaSets.

$ kubectl get rs --show-labels

There will now be two ReplicaSets, with the previous version of the Deployment being scaled down to 0.


Scaling a Deployment

4. Now, scale the Deployment up as you would a ReplicaSet, and set the replicas=5.

$ kubectl scale deploy deploy-example --replicas=5

5. List the ReplicaSets.

$ kubectl get rs --show-labels

Note that there is NO new ReplicaSet generated. Scaling actions do NOT trigger a change in the Pod Template.

6. Just as before, describe the Deployment, ReplicaSet and one of the Pods. Note the Events and Controlled By fields. It should present a clear picture of relationship between objects during an update of a Deployment.

$ kubectl describe deploy deploy-example

$ kubectl describe rs deploy-example-<pod-template-hash>

$ kubectl describe pod deploy-example-<pod-template-hash-<random>



  • Deployments are the main method of managing applications deployed within Kubernetes.
  • They create and supervise targeted ReplicaSets by generating a unique hash called the pod-template-hash and attaching it to child objects as a Label along with automatically including it in their Selector.
  • This method of managing rollouts along with being able to define the methods and tolerances in the update strategy permits for a safe and seamless way of updating an application in place.


LAB: Rolling Back a Deployment

Objective: Learn how to view the history of a Deployment and rollback to older revisions.

Note: This exercise builds off the previous exercise: Using Deployments. If you have not, complete it first before continuing.

  1. Use the rollout command to view the history of the Deployment deploy-example.

$ kubectl rollout history deployment deploy-example

There should be two revisions. One for when the Deployment was first created, and another when the additional Labels were added. The number of revisions saved is based off of the revisionHistoryLimit attribute in the Deployment spec.

  1. Look at the details of a specific revision by passing the --revision=<revision number> flag.

$ kubectl rollout history deployment deploy-example --revision=1

$ kubectl rollout history deployment deploy-example --revision=2

Viewing the specific revision will display a summary of the Pod Template.

  1. Choose to go back to revision 1 by using the rollout undo command.

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment deploy-example --to-revision=1

Tip: The –to-revision flag can be omitted if you wish to just go back to the previous configuration.

  1. Immediately watch the Pods.

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

They will cycle through rolling back to the previous revision.

  1. Describe the Deployment deploy-example.

$ kubectl describe deployment deploy-example

The events will describe the scaling back of the previous and switching over to the desired revision.

Summary: Understanding how to use rollout command to both get a diff of the different revisions as well as be able to roll-back to a previously known good configuration is an important aspect of Deployments that cannot be left out.


Clean Up Command

$kubectl delete deploy deploy-example



DaemonSets ensure that all nodes matching certain criteria will run an instance of the supplied Pod. They bypass default scheduling mechanisms and restrictions, and are ideal for cluster wide services such as log forwarding, or health monitoring.


LAB: Managing DaemonSets

Objective: Experience creating, updating, and rolling back a DaemonSet. Additionally delve into the process of how they are scheduled and how an update occurs.


  1. Create DaemonSet ds-example and pass the --record flag. Use the example yaml block below as a base, or use the manifest manifests/ds-example.yaml directly.



apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: DaemonSet 



    app: ds-example

  name: ds-example




      app: nginx

      env: prod




        app: nginx

        env: prod 



      - image: nginx:stable-alpine

        name: nginx


        - containerPort: 80


$ kubectl create -f manifests/ds-example.yaml 

  1. View the current DaemonSets.

$ kubectl get daemonset

It will create a pod on each of your nodes but be patient as it often takes time to create the pods on each of the cluster nodes. You can also use node labels to specify the nodes where you want a pod to run. We will talk more about scheduling in another section but here is an example.

apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: DaemonSet 



    app: ds-example

  name: ds-example




      app: nginx

      env: prod




        app: nginx

        env: prod 



        nodeType: edge


      - image: nginx:stable-alpine

        name: nginx


        - containerPort: 80

$ kubectl delete -f manifests/ds-example.yaml 

$ kubectl create -f manifests/ds-example.yaml 

3. View the current DaemonSets.

$ kubectl get daemonset

As there are no matching nodes, no Pods should be scheduled.

4. Label node node1 with nodeType=edge

$ kubectl label node node01 nodeType=edge

5. View the current DaemonSets once again.

$ kubectl get daemonsets

There should now be a single instance of the DaemonSet ds-example deployed.

6. View the current Pods and display their labels with --show-labels.

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

Note that the deployed Pod has a controller-revision-hash label. This is used like the pod-template-hash in a Deployment to track and allow for rollback functionality.

7. Describing the DaemonSet will provide you with status information regarding its Deployment cluster wide.

$ kubectl describe ds ds-example

Tip: ds can be substituted for daemonset when using kubectl.

Summary: DaemonSets are usually used for important cluster-wide support services such as Pod Networking, Logging, or Monitoring. They differ from other workloads in that their scheduling bypasses normal mechanisms, and is centered around node placement. Like Deployments, they have their own pod-template-hash in the form of controller-revision-hash used for keeping track of Pod Template revisions and enabling rollback functionality.


Clean Up

kubectl delete ds ds-example


Jobs and CronJobs

The Job Controller ensures one or more Pods are executed and successfully terminate. Essentially a task executor that can be run in parallel.

CronJobs are an extension of the Job Controller, and enable Jobs to be run on a schedule.


Exercise: Creating a Job

Objective: Create a Kubernetes Job and work to understand how the Pods are managed with completions and parallelism directives.

  1. Create job job-example using the yaml below, or the manifest located at manifests/job-example.yaml



apiVersion: batch/v1

kind: Job


  name: job-example


  backoffLimit: 4

  completions: 4

  parallelism: 2




      - name: hello

        image: alpine:latest

        command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]

        args: ["echo hello from $HOSTNAME!"]

      restartPolicy: Never



$ kubectl create -f manifests/job-example.yaml

  1. Watch the Pods as they are being created.

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

Only two Pods are being provisioned at a time; adhering to the parallelism attribute. This is done until the total number of completions is satisfied. Additionally, the Pods are labeled with controller-uid, this acts as a unique ID for that specific Job.

When done, the Pods persist in a Completed state. They are not deleted after the Job is completed or failed. This is intentional to better support troubleshooting.

  1. A summary of these events can be seen by describing the Job itself.

$ kubectl describe job job-example

  1. Delete the job.

$ kubectl delete job job-example

  1. View the Pods once more.

$ kubectl get pods

The Pods will now be deleted. They are cleaned up when the Job itself is removed.


Summary: Jobs are fire and forget one off tasks, batch processing or as an executor for a workflow engine. They "run to completion" or terminate gracefully adhering to the completions and parallelism directives.


Exercise: Scheduling a CronJob

Objective: Create a CronJob based off a Job Template. Understand how the Jobs are generated and how to suspend a job in the event of a problem.


  1. Create CronJob cronjob-example based off the yaml below, or use the manifest manifests/cronjob-example.yaml. It is configured to run the Job from the earlier example every minute, using the cron schedule "*/1 * * * *". This schedule is UTC ONLY.



apiVersion: batch/v1

kind: CronJob


  name: cronjob-example


  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"

  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 2

  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1



      completions: 4

      parallelism: 2




          - name: hello

            image: alpine:latest

            command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]

            args: ["echo hello from $HOSTNAME!"]

          restartPolicy: Never


$ kubectl create -f manifests/cronjob-example.yaml

  1. Give it some time to run, and then list the Jobs.

$ kubectl get jobs

There should be at least one Job named in the format <cronjob-name>-<unix time stamp>. Note the timestamp of the oldest Job.

  1. Give it a few minutes and list the Jobs once again

$ kubectl get jobs

The oldest Job should have been removed. The CronJob controller will purge Jobs according to the ‘successfulJobHistoryLimit’ and ‘failedJobHistoryLimit’ attributes. In this case, it is retaining strictly the last 3 successful Jobs.

  1. Describe the CronJob cronjob-example

$ kubectl describe CronJob cronjob-example

The events will show the records of the creation and deletion of the Jobs.

  1. Edit the CronJob cronjob-example and locate the Suspend field. Then set it to true.

$ kubectl edit CronJob cronjob-example

This will prevent the cronjob from firing off any future events, and is useful to do to initially troubleshoot an issue without having to delete the CronJob directly.

  1. Delete the CronJob

$ kubectl delete cronjob cronjob-example

Deleting the CronJob WILL delete all child Jobs. Use Suspend to stop the Job temporarily if attempting to troubleshoot.


Summary: CronJobs are a useful extension of Jobs. They are great for backup or other day-to-day tasks, with the only caveat being they adhere to a UTC ONLY schedule.


Clean Up Commands

kubectl delete CronJob cronjob-example

Helpful Resources

Kubernetes Networking Labs

The Lab Environment

The following Labs  were run on a 3-node cluster deployed  with kubeadm (1 master node and 2 worker nodes running Kubernetes). To get started you will first deploy a 3-node cluster and then use the cluster for subsequent labs.

Lab Index

  • Services
    • LAB: The ClusterIP Service
    • LAB: Using the NodePort Service
    • LAB: The LoadBalancer Service
  • Cleaning up
  • Helpful Resources


The Kubernetes service object are the unified method of accessing the exposed workloads of Pods. They are a durable resource (unlike Pods) that is given a static cluster-unique IP and provide simple load-balancing through kube-proxy.

Note: These exercises build off the previous Core labs. If you have not done so, complete those before continuing.


LAB: The clusterIP Service

Objective: Create a ClusterIP service and view the different ways it is accessible within the cluster.

  1. Create a pod that will serve as endpoint for the service object


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: mypod


    app: nginx



  - name: nginx

    image: nginx:stable-alpine


    - containerPort: 80

$ kubectl create -f manifests/mypod.yaml

  1. Create ClusterIP service clusterip that targets Pods labeled with app=nginx forwarding port 80 using either the yaml below, or the manifest manifests/service-clusterip.yaml.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Service



    app: nginx

  name: mypod



  - port: 80

    protocol: TCP

    targetPort: 80


    app: nginx


You may also use the command below to generate the file

kubectl expose pod mypod --port=80 --target-port=80 --dry-run=client -o yaml >svc-clusterip.yaml

$ kubectl create -f manifests/service-clusterip.yaml

  1. Describe the newly created service. Note the IP and the Endpoints fields.

$ kubectl describe service mypod

  1. View the service through kube proxy and refresh several times. It should serve up pages from both pods.


$ kubectl proxy &

Display the API endpoints with the following command. The list will be long but here trunkated.

curl localhost:8001


  "paths": [







You can view mypod service with this command. This will show you the ngnx default page running. 



Alternatively, to access the clusterIP on the localhost, you can do port-forwarding. Ensure that port 80 on the localhost is not currently used.

kubectl port-forward service/mypod 80:80


  1. Lastly, verify that the generated DNS record has been created for the Service by using nslookup within the mypod Pod that was provisioned in the Lab of Creating Pods exercise.

$ kubectl exec mypod -- nslookup mypod.default.svc.cluster.local



Name: mypod.default.svc.cluster.local


The output, shown above, should return a valid response with the IP matching what was noted earlier when describing the Service.

Summary: The ClusterIP Service is the most commonly used Service within Kubernetes. Every ClusterIP Service is given a cluster unique IP and DNS name that maps to one or more Pod Endpoints. It functions as the main method in which exposed Pod Services are consumed within a Kubernetes Cluster.


LAB The NodePort Service

Objective: Create a NodePort based Service and explore how it is available both inside and outside the cluster.

  1. Create a NodePort Service called nodeport that targets Pods with the labels app=nginx and environment=dev forwarding port 80 in cluster, and port 32410 on the node itself. Use either the yaml below, or the manifestmanifests/service-nodeport.yaml.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Service


  name: nodeport


  type: NodePort


    app: nginx

    environment: prod


  - nodePort: 32410

    protocol: TCP

    port: 80

    targetPort: 80


$ kubectl create -f manifests/service-nodeport.yaml

2. Describe the newly created Service Endpoint. Note the Service still has an internal clusterIP, and now additionally has a NodePort.

$ kubectl describe service nodeport
Name:                     nodeport
Namespace:                default
Labels:                   <none>
Annotations:              <none>
Selector:                 app=nginx
Type:                     NodePort
IP Family Policy:         SingleStack
IP Families:              IPv4
Port:                     <unset>  80/TCP
TargetPort:               80/TCP
NodePort:                 <unset>  32410/TCP
Endpoints:      ,, + 5 more...
Session Affinity:         None

External Traffic Policy:  Cluster


3.  kubectl get svc

NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP        3d3h
mypod        ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP         2d1h
nodeport     NodePort   <none>        80:32410/TCP   6m53s

Note that an IP addres is giev to the service but we dont need this ti access the service. To access the service we can use the ip address of any of the cluster nodes.

4. kubectl get nodes -o wide

~$ kubectl get nodes -o wide


controlplane   Ready    control-plane   3d3h   v1.29.6   <none>        Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS   5.15.0-113-generic   containerd://1.7.12

node01         Ready    <none>          3d3h   v1.29.6   <none>        Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS   5.15.0-113-generic   containerd://1.7.12

node02         Ready    <none>          3d3h   v1.29.6   <none>        Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS   5.15.0-113-generic   containerd://1.7.12


call up your browser with the of one of your worker nodes with the nodeport port like

5. Lastly, verify that the generated DNS record has been created for the Service by using nslookup within the mypod Pod.

$ kubectl exec mypod -- nslookup nodeport.default.svc.cluster.local



It should return a valid response with the IP matching what was noted earlier when describing the Service, as seen above.


Summary: The NodePort Services extend the ClusterIP Service and additionally expose a port that is either statically defined, as above (port 32410) or dynamically taken from a range between 30000-32767. This port is then exposed on every node within the cluster and proxies to the created Service.


Exercise: The LoadBalancer Service

Objective: Create a LoadBalancer based Service, and learn how it extends both ClusterIP and NodePort to make a Service available outside the Cluster.

Before you Begin To use Service Type LoadBalancer it requires integration with an external IP provider. In most cases, this is a cloud provider which will likely already be integrated with your cluster.

For bare-metal and on prem deployments, this must be handled yourself. You can use MetalLB https://metallb.universe.tf/installation/

to accomplish this .

If you create a loadbalancer LB without a backend load balancer configured the LB will be in pending state as seen below:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: nginx 
  name: loadbalancer-svc
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    app: nginx 
  type: LoadBalancer


$ kubectl create -f manifests/service-loadbalancer.yaml

vagrant@controlplane:~$ k get svc

NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE

kubernetes         ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP        3d4h

loadbalancer-svc   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31747/TCP   4s

mypod              ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP         2d2h

nodeport           NodePort   <none>        80:32410/TCP   40m



Let's get metalLB deployed using the provided yaml from the MetalLb website:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.14.5/config/manifests/metallb-native.yaml


$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.14.5/config/manifests/metallb-native.yaml

kubectl get pods -n metallb-system

NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
controller-56bb48dcd4-4t96j   1/1     Running   0              12m
speaker-85jml                 1/1     Running   0              12m
speaker-h77pg                 1/1     Running   4 (2m5s ago)   4m53s
speaker-jcpsd                 1/1     Running   0              12m


Defining The IPs To Assign To The Load Balancer Services

In order to assign an IP to the services, MetalLB must be instructed to do so via the IPAddressPool CR.

All the IPs allocated via IPAddressPools contribute to the pool of IPs that MetalLB uses to assign IPs to services.

vim metallb-address-pool.yaml

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
  name: first-pool
  namespace: metallb-system


kubectl apply -f metallb-address-pool.yaml

After you create the address pool,you can now assign load balancer service type to your pods. Before now, you will not be avble to assign load balancers as they will be in pending state.

  1. Create a LoadBalancer Service called loadbalancer-svc that targets pods with the labels app=nginx and environment=prod forwarding as port 80. Use either the yaml below, or the manifest manifests/service--loadbalancer.yaml.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: nginx 
  name: loadbalancer-svc
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    app: nginx 
  type: LoadBalancer


$ kubectl create -f manifests/service-loadbalancer.yaml

  1. Describe the Service loadbalancer, and note the Service retains the aspects of both the ClusterIP and NodePort Service types in addition to having a new attribute LoadBalancer Ingress.

$ kubectl describe service loadbalancer

  1. You could potentially Open a browser and visit the IP noted in the Loadbalancer field if your IP address is routable. Since this is not the case for this lab, we will curl the URLs for both the ClusterIP and External-IP.
  2. kubectl get svc

NAME           TYPE                CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE

loadbalancer   LoadBalancer   80:30620/TCP



  1. Finally, verify that the generated DNS record has been created for the Service by using nslookup within the mypod Pod.

$ kubectl exec mypod -- nslookup loadbalancer.dev.svc.cluster.local

It should return a valid response with the IP matching what was noted earlier when describing the Service.


Summary: LoadBalancer Services are the second most frequently used Service within Kubernetes as they are the main method of directing external traffic into the Kubernetes cluster. They work with an external provider to map ingress traffic destined to the LoadBalancer Ingress IP to the cluster nodes on the exposed NodePort. These in turn direct traffic to the desired Pods.

LAB1: Deploy the guestbook application


In this lab you'll learn:

  • How pods communicate with each other
  • How pods are exposed to the internet
  • How traffic between pods can be restricted


We will be working with a freely available microservice called the guestbook. The application is available here:




The following figure depicts the architecture components of the sample guestbook application.

The Guestbook Architecture

The guestbook application is a Go program which runs inside a container that is deployed to the Kubernetes cluster. It includes a simple HTML page and javascript file for a browser front-end. It uses Redis to store its data. It writes data to a Redis master instance and reads data from multiple Redis slave instances. The master and slave instances also run as containers that are deployed to the Kubernetes cluster.

Let's first use the provided configuration files to deploy the containers and create services for them. We'll then explore the resulting environment.

Start up the Redis Database

The guestbook application uses Redis to store its data.

Creating the Redis Deployment

The manifest file, included below, specifies a Deployment controller that runs a single replica Redis Pod.


# SOURCE: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/guestbook
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: redis-leader
    app: redis
    role: leader
    tier: backend
  replicas: 1
      app: redis
        app: redis
        role: leader
        tier: backend
      - name: leader
        image: "docker.io/redis:6.0.5"
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 100Mi
        - containerPort: 6379
  1. Launch a terminal window in the directory you downloaded the manifest files.

  2. Apply the Redis Deployment from the redis-leader-deployment.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/guestbook/redis-leader-deployment.yaml
  3. Query the list of Pods to verify that the Redis Pod is running:

    kubectl get pods

    The response should be similar to this:

    NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    redis-leader-fb76b4755-xjr2n   1/1     Running   0          13s
  4. Run the following command to view the logs from the Redis leader Pod:

    kubectl logs -f deployment/redis-leader

Creating the Redis leader Service

The guestbook application needs to communicate to the Redis to write its data. You need to apply a Service to proxy the traffic to the Redis Pod. A Service defines a policy to access the Pods.


# SOURCE: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/guestbook
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis-leader
    app: redis
    role: leader
    tier: backend
  - port: 6379
    targetPort: 6379
    app: redis
    role: leader
    tier: backend
  1. Apply the Redis Service from the following redis-leader-service.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/guestbook/redis-leader-service.yaml
  2. Query the list of Services to verify that the Redis Service is running:

    kubectl get service

    The response should be similar to this:

    NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    kubernetes     ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP    1m
    redis-leader   ClusterIP <none>        6379/TCP   16s


This manifest file creates a Service named redis-leader with a set of labels that match the labels previously defined, so the Service routes network traffic to the Redis Pod.

Set up Redis followers

Although the Redis leader is a single Pod, you can make it highly available and meet traffic demands by adding a few Redis followers, or replicas.


# SOURCE: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/guestbook
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: redis-follower
    app: redis
    role: follower
    tier: backend
  replicas: 2
      app: redis
        app: redis
        role: follower
        tier: backend
      - name: follower
        image: us-docker.pkg.dev/google-samples/containers/gke/gb-redis-follower:v2
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 100Mi
        - containerPort: 6379
  1. Apply the Redis Deployment from the following redis-follower-deployment.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/guestbook/redis-follower-deployment.yaml
  2. Verify that the two Redis follower replicas are running by querying the list of Pods:

    kubectl get pods

    The response should be similar to this:

    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    redis-follower-dddfbdcc9-82sfr   1/1     Running   0          37s
    redis-follower-dddfbdcc9-qrt5k   1/1     Running   0          38s
    redis-leader-fb76b4755-xjr2n     1/1     Running   0          11m

Creating the Redis follower service

The guestbook application needs to communicate with the Redis followers to read data. To make the Redis followers discoverable, you must set up another Service.


# SOURCE: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/guestbook
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis-follower
    app: redis
    role: follower
    tier: backend
    # the port that this service should serve on
  - port: 6379
    app: redis
    role: follower
    tier: backend
  1. Apply the Redis Service from the following redis-follower-service.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/guestbook/redis-follower-service.yaml
  2. Query the list of Services to verify that the Redis Service is running:

    kubectl get service

    The response should be similar to this:

    NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    kubernetes       ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    3d19h
    redis-follower   ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP   9s
    redis-leader     ClusterIP    <none>        6379/TCP   6m10s


This manifest file creates a Service named redis-follower with a set of labels that match the labels previously defined, so the Service routes network traffic to the Redis Pod.

Set up and Expose the Guestbook Frontend

Now that you have the Redis storage of your guestbook up and running, start the guestbook web servers. Like the Redis followers, the frontend is deployed using a Kubernetes Deployment.

The guestbook app uses a PHP frontend. It is configured to communicate with either the Redis follower or leader Services, depending on whether the request is a read or a write. The frontend exposes a JSON interface, and serves a jQuery-Ajax-based UX.

Creating the Guestbook Frontend Deployment


# SOURCE: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/guestbook
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: frontend
  replicas: 3
        app: guestbook
        tier: frontend
        app: guestbook
        tier: frontend
      - name: php-redis
        image: us-docker.pkg.dev/google-samples/containers/gke/gb-frontend:v5
        - name: GET_HOSTS_FROM
          value: "dns"
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 100Mi
        - containerPort: 80
  1. Apply the frontend Deployment from the frontend-deployment.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/guestbook/frontend-deployment.yaml
  2. Query the list of Pods to verify that the three frontend replicas are running:

    kubectl get pods -l app=guestbook -l tier=frontend

    The response should be similar to this:

    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    frontend-85595f5bf9-5tqhb   1/1     Running   0          47s
    frontend-85595f5bf9-qbzwm   1/1     Running   0          47s
    frontend-85595f5bf9-zchwc   1/1     Running   0          47s

Creating the Frontend Service

The Redis Services you applied is only accessible within the Kubernetes cluster because the default type for a Service is ClusterIPClusterIP provides a single IP address for the set of Pods the Service is pointing to. This IP address is accessible only within the cluster.

If you want guests to be able to access your guestbook, you must configure the frontend Service to be externally visible, so a client can request the Service from outside the Kubernetes cluster. However a Kubernetes user can use kubectl port-forward to access the service even though it uses a ClusterIP.


Some cloud providers, like Google Compute Engine or Google Kubernetes Engine, support external load balancers. If your cloud provider supports load balancers and you want to use it, uncomment type: LoadBalancer.


# SOURCE: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/guestbook
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: frontend
    app: guestbook
    tier: frontend
  # if your cluster supports it, uncomment the following to automatically create
  # an external load-balanced IP for the frontend service.
  # type: LoadBalancer
  #type: LoadBalancer
    # the port that this service should serve on
  - port: 80
    app: guestbook
    tier: frontend
  1. Apply the frontend Service from the frontend-service.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/guestbook/frontend-service.yaml
  2. Query the list of Services to verify that the frontend Service is running:

    kubectl get services

    The response should be similar to this:

    NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    frontend         ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP     19s
    kubernetes       ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    3d19h
    redis-follower   ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP   5m48s
    redis-leader     ClusterIP    <none>        6379/TCP   11m

Viewing the Frontend Service via kubectl port-forward

  1. Run the following command to forward port 8080 on your local machine to port 80 on the service.

    kubectl port-forward svc/frontend 8080:80

    The response should be similar to this:

    Forwarding from -> 80
    Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80
  2. load the page http://localhost:8080 in your browser to view your guestbook.

Viewing the Frontend Service via LoadBalancer

If you deployed the frontend-service.yaml manifest with type: LoadBalancer you need to find the IP address to view your Guestbook.

  1. Run the following command to get the IP address for the frontend Service.

    kubectl get service frontend

    The response should be similar to this:

    NAME       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP        PORT(S)        AGE
    frontend   LoadBalancer     80:32372/TCP   1m
  2. Copy the external IP address, and load the page in your browser to view your guestbook.


Try adding some guestbook entries by typing in a message, and clicking Submit. The message you typed appears in the frontend. This message indicates that data is successfully added to Redis through the Services you created earlier.

Scale the Web Frontend

You can scale up or down as needed because your servers are defined as a Service that uses a Deployment controller.

  1. Run the following command to scale up the number of frontend Pods:

    kubectl scale deployment frontend --replicas=5
  2. Query the list of Pods to verify the number of frontend Pods running:

    kubectl get pods

    The response should look similar to this:

    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    frontend-85595f5bf9-5df5m        1/1     Running   0          83s
    frontend-85595f5bf9-7zmg5        1/1     Running   0          83s
    frontend-85595f5bf9-cpskg        1/1     Running   0          15m
    frontend-85595f5bf9-l2l54        1/1     Running   0          14m
    frontend-85595f5bf9-l9c8z        1/1     Running   0          14m
    redis-follower-dddfbdcc9-82sfr   1/1     Running   0          97m
    redis-follower-dddfbdcc9-qrt5k   1/1     Running   0          97m
    redis-leader-fb76b4755-xjr2n     1/1     Running   0          108m
  3. Run the following command to scale down the number of frontend Pods:

    kubectl scale deployment frontend --replicas=2
  4. Query the list of Pods to verify the number of frontend Pods running:

    kubectl get pods

    The response should look similar to this:

    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    frontend-85595f5bf9-cpskg        1/1     Running   0          16m
    frontend-85595f5bf9-l9c8z        1/1     Running   0          15m
    redis-follower-dddfbdcc9-82sfr   1/1     Running   0          98m
    redis-follower-dddfbdcc9-qrt5k   1/1     Running   0          98m
    redis-leader-fb76b4755-xjr2n     1/1     Running   0          109m

Cleaning up

Deleting the Deployments and Services also deletes any running Pods. Use labels to delete multiple resources with one command.

  1. Run the following commands to delete all Pods, Deployments, and Services.

    kubectl delete deployment -l app=redis
    kubectl delete service -l app=redis
    kubectl delete deployment frontend
    kubectl delete service frontend

    The response should look similar to this:

    deployment.apps "redis-follower" deleted
    deployment.apps "redis-leader" deleted
    deployment.apps "frontend" deleted
    service "frontend" deleted
  2. Query the list of Pods to verify that no Pods are running:

    kubectl get pods

    The response should look similar to this:

    No resources found in default namespace.

Kubernetes networking

1.1 Pod network

Let's look at the pods and the network  that were created. The diagram below illustrates the network configuration of our guestbook deployment. Please note that the pod names will be different from yours. 

The guestbook-deployment.yaml file requested 3 replicas. The redis-master-deployment.yaml file requested a single replica. The redis-slave-deployment.yaml file requested 2 replicas. You can view them with this command and take note of the 2 sets of IP addresses (The IP and the Node IP addresses).

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE      IP               NODE

guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-bl7xf    1/1       Running   0          2m

guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-ccfgs    1/1       Running   0          2m

guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-g7hq2    1/1       Running   0          2m

redis-master-5d8b66464f-p76z8   1/1       Running   0          4m

redis-slave-586b4c847c-ll9gc    1/1       Running   0          4m

redis-slave-586b4c847c-twjdb    1/1       Running   0          4m



Description automatically generated

There are two networks:

  • The nodes (, exist on a VLAN (if deployed in AWS, this would be the VPC in AWS lingo)
  • The pods (,, etc.) exist on a virtual network which is created by Kubernetes (technically by a container networking (CNI) plugin to Kubernetes. CNI examples are  WeaveNet, Calico, Cillium. Each pod is assigned a unique IP and can talk to any other pod using its IP.

You can observe how the pod network operates over the host node network by running a traceroute command in one of the pods. (Note: The ability to run Linux commands within a container varies depending on the base image it uses. This command will work with guestbook but may not work with other containers

Ensure to first  exec into the pod and install traceroute with sudo apt install traceroute -y before running the command below.

$kubectl exec -it guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-bl7xf -- /bin/bash

#sudo apt update -y

#sudo apt install traceroute -y


$ kubectl exec -it guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-bl7xf -- traceroute


traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets

 1 (  0.007 ms  0.005 ms  0.004 ms

 2 (  0.652 ms  0.360 ms  0.510 ms

 3 (  0.591 ms  0.347 ms  0.499 ms


Here we're running a traceroute command on pod guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-bl7xf which is running on node We ask it to trace the route to another pod, redis-slave-586b4c847c-twjdb which has a pod IP address of We can see the path goes from the first's pod node over to the second pod's node and into the second pod. This is accomplished through the use of virtual ethernet interfaces and updates to Linux routing tables.


One benefit of assigning each pod its own IP address is that applications can use standard ports (80, 443, etc) without the need to remap them at the node level to avoid port conflicts.

1.2 ClusterIP Services

Although pods can communicate with each other using their IP addresses, we wouldn't want application programs to use them directly. A pod's IP address can change each time the pod is recreated. If the pod is scaled, then the set of IP addresses to communicate with can be changing frequently.

This is where the ClusterIP services comes in. Let's look at the services we created for the redis master and slaves.

$ kubectl describe service redis-master

Name:              redis-master

Namespace:         default

Labels:            app=redis


Annotations:       <none>

Selector:          app=redis,role=master

Type:              ClusterIP


Port:              <unset>  6379/TCP

TargetPort:        redis-server/TCP


Session Affinity:  None

Events:            <none>


$ kubectl describe service redis-slave

Name:              redis-slave

Namespace:         default

Labels:            app=redis


Annotations:       <none>

Selector:          app=redis,role=slave

Type:              ClusterIP


Port:              <unset>  6379/TCP

TargetPort:        redis-server/TCP


Session Affinity:  None

Events:            <none>


A ClusterIP service provides a stable virtual IP address which distributes TCP connections (or UDP packets) to a targeted set of pods (called endpoints). Here we can see that the redis-master service has the virtual IP address and that it distributes requests to the redis-master's pod IP address172.30.108.139. The redis-slave service has a virtual IP address and it distributes requests to the redis-slave's pod IP addresses and


The method by which Kubernetes implements the virtual IP address varies by Kubernetes release. In the 1.10 release the default method is to use iptables to translate (Network Address Translation) the virtual IP addresses to the pod IP addresses and the choice of pod IP is random.


1.3 Service discovery

Kubernetes provides a DNS entry for each service so services can be addressed by name instead of IP address. Let's observe this by doing an nslookup command from within the container. (Note: The ability to run Linux commands within a container varies depending on the base image it uses. This command will work with guestbook but may not work with other containers. You can install the utilities if not installed apt install dnsutils -y)


$ kubectl exec -it guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-bl7xf -- nslookup redis-master



Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local


Name:      redis-master

Address 1: redis-master.default.svc.cluster.local


Here we see that the name redis-master is resolved to address which is the virtual IP address of theredis-master service.


Services are assigned a DNS name of the form <service>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local. The namespace is needed to address services across namespaces. In this lab we are only using the default namespace so using the service name alone is fine to find services. The domain name svc.cluster.local does not need to be specified inside the pod because Kubernetes sets this in the domain search path in the pod's /etc/resolve.conf file.


C:\>kubectl exec -it guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-bl7xf -- cat /etc/resolv.conf


search default.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local

options ndots:5


1.4 NodePort and LoadBalancer Services

The types of IPs presented so far, pod IPs and ClusterIPs, are usable only from within the Kubernetes cluster. It is not possible for applications outside the cluster to use them to reach a pod (without additional configuration, e.g. adding your own routes). For that we need to use a type of service which provides an external IP address. Kubernetes provides two service types which do this.

  • A NodePortservice exposes the service at a static port (the NodePort) on each node. A ClusterIP service, to which the NodePort service will route, is automatically created.
  • A LoadBalancer service exposes the service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer. NodePort and ClusterIP services, to which the external load balancer will route, are automatically created.

Let's take a look at the service which we created for the guestbook application (Note this was created on a cluster that can talk to the cloud provider API)

$ kubectl describe service guestbook

Name:                     guestbook

Namespace:                default

Labels:                   app=guestbook

Annotations:              <none>

Selector:                 app=guestbook

Type:                     LoadBalancer


LoadBalancer Ingress:

Port:                     <unset>  3000/TCP

TargetPort:               http-server/TCP

NodePort:                 <unset>  30347/TCP

Endpoints:      ,,

Session Affinity:         None

External Traffic Policy:  Cluster


  Type    Reason                Age   From                Message

  ----    ------                ----  ----                -------

  Normal  EnsuringLoadBalancer  20s   service-controller  Ensuring load balancer

  Normal  EnsuredLoadBalancer   20s   service-controller  Ensured load balancer

This is a LoadBalancer type of service. The services build upon each other so a LoadBalancer service is also a NodePort service and a ClusterIP service. Let's break this down.

  • A ClusterIP (identified by the IP label) was assigned and it is
  • A NodePort was assigned and it is 30347.
  • A LoadBalancer IP address was assigned and it is


We now have two ways to access the guestbook application from outside the cluster, either through a node's IP address or through the load balancer's IP address. The latter is straightforward: use the loadbalancer address and the port that's configured by the service, which in this case is 3000.

We need to combine the worker node's IP address with the NodePort assigned by Kubernetes which in this example is 30347. The NodePort gives the service a unique endpoint on the node.


Note that a NodePort service also distributes TCP connections to the pods. It does not require a pod to be running on the node which you address. If there is a pod running on the node which you address, it is not always the case that a connection will be routed to that pod if there are pods on other nodes as well. The connection might be routed to one of those other pods.

The NodePort service typically would be used only in the following cases:

  • in cloud environments which don't support a LoadBalancer service 
  • in development environments where you don't need a LoadBalancer service.

1.5 Ingress

A Kubernetes LoadBalancer service is a TCP layer (layer 4) load balancer. If you want the features of an application layer (layer 7) load balancer, you need to use an Ingress resource instead of a LoadBalancer service.

How Ingress Works

Graphical user interface, diagram, application, Teams

Description automatically generatedLet's walk through what happens with the Ingress resource. Behind the scenes your cluster contains an application load balancer which is usually provided by the cloud provider( Traefik, nginx, haproxy). A Kubernetes component called an Ingress controller takes your Ingress resource and translates it to a corresponding application load balancer configuration.

The Ingress resource needs to tell the load balancer which services to expose and how to identify which request should be routed to which service. If you have only one service that will be ever be exposed, this is relatively easy: all requests to your ingress subdomain should be routed to that one service. However it's likely that you'll have more than one service. Furthermore most web applications are written to serve files starting at the root path (/) so a way is needed to separate them. The Ingress resource we're using accomplishes this as follows:

  • It defines a path which tells the load balancer that a request that begins with/guestbook/should be routed to the guestbook service.
  • It uses an annotation mydomain.net/rewrite-path which tells the load balancer that when sending requests to the guestbook application, it needs to rewrite the path to replace /guestbook/ with /.

This pattern can be repeated as you expose more services to the internet.

Ingress LAB

Let's change the guestbook application frrom using a LoadBalancer service to using an Ingress resource. First, we will install ingress and test that its working and then we will create ingress for the guestbook application.

They are 2 parts to ingress:

1. The Ingress controller and

2. The ingress servuce 

Without an ingress controller you cannot create ingress service so lets deploy the controller.

The Ingress controller

There are several  ingres controllers but here we will use the Nginx controller. We will install using the guides from here:


Since we already have helm installed, we willl use helm to install ingress conttoller as shown below

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \

  --repo https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx \

  --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace


If you don't have helm install you can use the yaml file

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.10.1/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml

Testing the installation

After installation, you can run these commands to confirm that ingress has been installed:

kubectl get service --namespace ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller --output wide --watch

NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE     SELECTOR

ingress-nginx-controller   LoadBalancer   80:31179/TCP,443:30791/TCP   2m31s   app.kubernetes.io/component=controller,app.kubernetes.io/instance=ingress-nginx,app.kubernetes.io/name=ingress-nginx

Lets' check the namespace:

 k get pods -n ingress-nginx

NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

ingress-nginx-controller-8658cc9b48-wf9dr   1/1     Running   0          3m16s


2. Ingress service

Now that the controller is installed and all seems good, from the above commands, we can now create  ingress services .

VERY IMPORTANT: Please note that ingress requires a service of type Load Balancer. Earlier, we had used metallb to create an external load balancer so we are good but if you don't have metallb deployed, you cannot perform this lab.

Let's once again check the Load balancer IP of the ingress controller

kubectl get service ingress-nginx-controller --namespace=ingress-nginx

NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE

ingress-nginx-controller   LoadBalancer   80:31179/TCP,443:30791/TCP   76m

Now that we can see that the Ingress controller has an External Load Balancer, IP, let's create a deployment and expose it through a service:

First we create a deployment:

kubectl create deployment demo --image=httpd --port=80

Second, we create a service using expose command

kubectl expose deployment demo

 k get svc

NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE

demo               ClusterIP    <none>          80/TCP         11s


Before we create an ingress service to point to the service object, let's test that we can access the service at the clusterIp service IP:


<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>

All is working as expected so we can now use ingress to access the service.

Using the Ingress Service

Step 1: Create ingress:

kubectl create ingress demo-localhost --class=nginx \ --rule="demo.localdev.me/*=demo:80"

Step 2: Test  the Ingress. We wil use 2 methods to test

method 1 for the Ingress:

kubectl port-forward --namespace=ingress-nginx service/ingress-nginx-controller 8080:80

curl --resolve demo.localdev.me:8080: http://demo.localdev.me:8080

<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>


Test Method 2 for the Ingress. This is an Alternative to the above method:

We can add the hostname to /etc/hosts with the IP address of the ingress controller and that will also give us access. The entry in the /etc/hosts should look like this:

cat /ete/hosts demo.localdev.me

curl demo.localdev.me

<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>


1.6 Network Policies

In Kubernetes, please take note of the following network design by default:

  • A pod accepts external traffic from any IP address to its NodePort or LoadBalancer service or its Ingress resource.
  • A pod accepts internal traffic from any other pod in the same cluster.
  • A pod is allowed outbound traffic to any IP address including the node IP

To change the above behavior, you can use Kubernetes network policies to specify how pods can communicate with other pods and with external endpoints.  Network policies let you create additional restrictions on what traffic is allowed. For example you may want to restrict external inbound or outbound traffic to certain IP addresses.This feature depends on the CNI in use. Some CNIs don't support network policies so if you configure network policies, they will be ignored. For production environment, it's very important to use a CNI that has network policies.

With network policies, you have to follow these 3 steps:

1.Identify the pods you want to restric trafifc to by using label selectors

2. Specify traffic to allow. Ingress is for traffic towards the pods in step 1 and Egress is traffic  from the pods in step 1.

3.  Then define the pods/namespaces that can communicate with the pods selected in step 1 and/or that the pods in step 1 can communicate with. When understood, it can be easy to create network policies  but very difficult otherwise. You need lots of practice to develop the confidence to create network policies. Only consider creating network policies for production environments if very good at it else it can easily expose your prodcution environment unknowingly.

Network Policy Practice LAB

  • For this lab we'll use a network policy to restrict traffic between guestbook pods.
  • We will limit access to the redis servers to just the guestbook application and not  other applications

First we can observe that the redis servers are open to any pod by spinning up a Linux shell inside a pod and making a network connection to the redis servers' IP addresses and ports. We will spin up a busybox container and use a Linux utility called netcat (nc) to communicate with the redis pods and check if the ports are open. 

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP               NODE

guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-bl7xf    1/1       Running   0          4d

guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-ccfgs    1/1       Running   0          4d

guestbook-v1-7fc76dc46-g7hq2    1/1       Running   0          4d

redis-master-5d8b66464f-p76z8   1/1       Running   0          4d

redis-slave-586b4c847c-ll9gc    1/1       Running   0          4d

redis-slave-586b4c847c-twjdb    1/1       Running   0          4d


$ kubectl run -i --tty --rm busybox --image=busybox -- sh

If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

/ # nc -v -z 6379 ( open

/ # nc -v -z 6379 ( open

/ # nc -v -z 6379 ( open

/ # exit

Session ended, resume using 'kubectl attach busybox-5858cc4697-hb6zs -c busybox -i -t' command when the pod is running

deployment.apps "busybox" deleted

In the above exercises:

  • we used the kubectl get pods -o wide command to see the IP addresses assigned to the redis pods.
  • Then we ran a busybox image to try nc commands to each of those addresses. (The redis server ports are defined in the redis-master-service.yaml and redis-slave-service.yaml files we used earlier.
  • The nc commands show that connections are allowed.

Now let's define a network policy to restrict access to the redis servers to the guestbook application.

kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
  name: redis-policy
      app: redis
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          app: guestbook


$ kubectl create -f networkpolicy.yaml

networkpolicy.networking.k8s.io/redis-policy created

Now that the network policies have been created, we can:

  • Repeat the nc commands and see that connections to the redis servers are not allowed from an arbitrary pod.
  • However, the communication between the guestbook application pods will continues to work


$ kubectl run -i --tty --rm busybox --image=busybox -- sh

If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

/ # nc -v -z 6379

nc: ( Connection timed out

/ # nc -v -z 6379

nc: ( Connection timed out

/ # nc -v -z 6379

nc: ( Connection timed out

/ # exit

Session ended, resume using 'kubectl attach busybox-5858cc4697-mvgsf -c busybox -i -t' command when the pod is running

deployment.apps "busybox" deleted


Explanation of the network policy above

We identify the pods to restric traffic to with this:



       app: redis


We then define Ingress policy to allow communication from any pod that has the label app: guestbook



- from:

  - podSelector:


            app: guestbook


In summary, any pod with he label app: redis in the default namespace will only allow communications from any pod with label  app: guestbook

Now you can see how powerful labels can be in Kubernetes. Network policies are very important so we will revisit them at some point in a separate secction.



Kubernetes Storage

Pods by themselves are useful, but many workloads require exchanging data between containers, or persisting some form of data.

Kubernetes storages can be broadly divided into local storage (Volumes) and network-attached storage (Persistent Volumes). Local storage is located inside the cluster node where the Kubernetes Pod is running while network attached storage are centralised on the network. Local storages has the advantage of being fast and can be used for things like scratch space but are ephemeral. However, at best a local storage only exists for as long as the pod is alive. Once the pod is deleted the local storage gets deleted as well. For most applications like databases, this is not a desirable feature since preserving the state of the database is important. 

In Kubernetes, databases are implemented as StatefulSets. Applications like StatefulSets are dependent on persistent storage and cannot work without them. Creating a persistent volumes requires a storage backend. There are many storage backends you can use in your environment. Some examples include:

  • The Rook project ( https://rook.io/docs/rook/latest-release/Getting-Started/intro/)
  • The OpenEBS project (https://openebs.io/)
  • Portworx project (https://portworx.com/)

All the cloud providers also have their own storage backend.

Here we will deploy OpenEBS and use it for the labs. We use OpenEBS because it is quote easy to deploy even on any cluster.


The Storage Lingo:

Lets use this diagram from the Mayadata website to illustrate how Kubernetes storage works:

Let us undertand the following:

  • Volumes,
  • Persistent Volumes (PV)
  • Persistent Volume Claims(PVC)
  • Storage Classes.


  • Volumes within Kubernetes are storage with lifecycle tied to the Pod’s lifecycle.
  • A pod can have one or more type of volumes attached to it. These volumes are consumable by any of the containers within the pod.
  • They can survive Pod restarts; however their durability beyond that is dependent on the Volume Type.

LAB: Using EmptyDir{} Volumes with Pods

Objective: Understand how to add and reference volumes to a Pod and their containers.

  1. Create a Pod  from the manifest manifests/volume-example.yaml or the yaml below.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: multi-container-example


    app: nginx

    environment: prod



  - name: nginx

    image: nginx:stable-alpine


    - containerPort: 80


    - name: html

      mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html

      readOnly: true

  - name: content

    image: alpine:latest


    - name: html

      mountPath: /html

    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]


      - while true; do

          date >> /html/index.html;

          sleep 5;



  - name: html

    emptyDir: {}


$ kubectl create -f manifests/volume-example.yaml

Note the relationship between volumes in the Pod spec, and the volumeMounts directive in each container.

  1. Exec into content container within the volume-example Pod, and cat the html/index.html file.

$ kubectl exec volume-example -c content -- /bin/sh -c "cat /html/index.html"

You should see a list of date time-stamps. This is generated by the script being used as the entrypoint (args) of the content container.

  1. Now do the same within the nginx container, using cat to see the content of /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html example.

$ kubectl exec volume-example -c nginx -- /bin/sh -c "cat /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html"

You should see the same file.

  1. Now try to append "nginx" to index.html from the nginx container.

$ kubectl exec volume-example -c nginx -- /bin/sh -c "echo nginx >> /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html"

It should error out and complain about the file being read only. The nginx container has no reason to write to the file, and mounts the same Volume as read-only. Writing to the file is handled by the content container.

Here is another emptyDir manifest file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pd
  - image: registry.k8s.io/test-webserver
    name: test-container
    - mountPath: /cache
      name: cache-volume
  - name: cache-volume
      sizeLimit: 500Mi

Summary: Pods may have multiple volumes using different Volume types. Those volumes in turn can be mounted to one or more containers within the Pod by adding them to the volumeMounts list. This is done by referencing their name and supplying their mountPath. Additionally, volumes may be mounted both read-write or read-only depending on the application, enabling a variety of use-cases.


Clean Up Command

kubectl delete pod volume-example


hostPath Storage Type

HostPath can be used only on one node cluster. Apart from emptyDir{}, it is the second simplest way to quickly create a storage.

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: black-pv-cka
    type: local
    storage: 50Mi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: "/opt/hostpath-pv-cka"


  • Parameters for storage. Parameters are supplied as key and value pairs. For hostPath, you must specify:
    • A path
      • Key: - path
      • Value: - the location of the file or directory on your cluster's node. For example: /opt/hostpath-pv-cka


To use a volume in Kubernetes first requires creating a storageclass to connect to a backend storage. For example, to use an OpenEBS storage backend you would create a storage class pointing to OpenEBS, referred to as the provisioner. The manifest file to create the storage class would look like the following:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
   name: openebs-hostpath
provisioner: openebs.io/local
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer


Connecting Persistent Storage to a Pod

Once the storage class has been created, here are the summary of the steps required to connect a Pod to a persistent volume (Refer to the Diagram above).

  1. A cluster administrator creates a PersistentVolume that is backed by physical storage. For dynamic volume provitioning, the PersistentVolume will be created automatically/dynamically.
  2. A cluster user/developer creates a PersistentVolumeClaim, which gets automatically bound to a suitable PersistentVolume.
  3. The cluster user/developer creates a Pod that uses the PersistentVolumeClaim as storage.

Step 1: Create a Persistent Volume (PV)

After the storage class has been created the cluster administrator has the option to provision a persistent volume

  • manually or
  • dynamically.

In the manual process the Cluster administrator creates volumes of different sizes and make them available for the cluster users (e.g. developers) to use in their applications. One of the problems with this method is that if a user requires a certain volume size which is not already provisioned by the Administrator, the next available storage size will be allocated to the user, leading to waste (e.g if user requests 1G but the next available storage size is 2G, the later will be used)

In dynamic volume creation, when none of the static PVs the administrator created matches a user’s PersistentVolumeClaim, the cluster will try to dynamically provision a volume to meet the request of the PVC provided the administrator has created a StorageClass.

NOTE: A PVC must request a specific storage class except a default is made available. Without a storage class, dynamic provisioning cannot occur.

To enable dynamic storage provisioning based on storage class, the cluster administrator need to enable the DefaultStorageClass admission controller on the API server by passing DefaultStorageClass in a comma-delimited, ordered list of values for the enable-admission-plugins flag of the API server component.

The syntax of a manual persistent volumes looks like below:

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: task-pv-volume
    type: local
  storageClassName: manual
    storage: 1Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce

Step 2: Create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

A PVC is required to bind to a PV. Pods use PersistentVolumeClaims to request physical storage. A PVC can specify a label selector to further filter the set of volumes. Only the volumes whose labels match the selector can be bound to the claim. Here is an example of a PVC.

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: task-pv-claim
  storageClassName: manual
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi

Step 3: Create a Pod to use PVC

The next step is to create a Pod that uses your PersistentVolumeClaim  to   mount a volume  at a specified mount point.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: task-pv-pod
    - name: task-pv-storage
       claimName: task-pv-claim
    - name: task-pv-container
      image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80
          name: "http-server"
        - mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
          name: task-pv-storage


LAB: OpenEBS And application Deployment

First, lets deploy OpenEBS using helm. You need to install helm if its not already installed. Follow the instructions to deploy helm here:


helm repo add openebs https://openebs.github.io/openebs
helm repo update
helm install openebs --namespace openebs openebs/openebs --set engines.replicated.mayastor.enabled=false --create-namespace

Verify the installtion

Verify helm installation:

helm ls -n openebs

openebs openebs  1       2024-07-11 22:15:43.989760708 +0000 UTC deployed openebs-4.1.0 4.1.0  


kubectl get pods -n openebs
NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
openebs-localpv-provisioner-55bf478db6-7tz59      1/1     Running   0          2m44s
openebs-lvm-localpv-controller-668c75f94f-bclkd   5/5     Running   0          2m44s
openebs-lvm-localpv-node-cjqx9                    2/2     Running   0          2m44s
openebs-lvm-localpv-node-jnjmx                    2/2     Running   0          2m44s
openebs-zfs-localpv-controller-65d698cfcc-9px2v   5/5     Running   0          2m44s
openebs-zfs-localpv-node-7pfl8                    2/2     Running   0          2m44s
openebs-zfs-localpv-node-kvlpn                    2/2     Running   0          2m44s


Verify StorageClasses

List the storage classes to check if OpenEBS has been installed with default StorageClasses.

kubectl get sc

In the successful installation, you should have the following StorageClasses created:

openebs-hostpath   openebs.io/local   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  3m32s


Deploy and Application to use OpenEBS

This section will help you to deploy an application to use the OpenEBS backend just deployed.

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim

The next step is to create a PersistentVolumeClaim. Pods will use PersistentVolumeClaims to request Hostpath Local PV from the OpenEBS Dynamic Local PV provisioner.

  1. Here is the configuration file for the PersistentVolumeClaim. Save the following PersistentVolumeClaim definition as local-hostpath-pvc.yaml

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: local-hostpath-pvc
      storageClassName: openebs-hostpath
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 5G
  2. Create the PersistentVolumeClaim

    kubectl apply -f local-hostpath-pvc.yaml

  3. Look at the PersistentVolumeClaim:

    kubectl get pvc local-hostpath-pvc

    The output shows that the STATUS is Pending. This means PVC has not yet been used by an application pod. The next step is to create a Pod that uses your PersistentVolumeClaim as a volume.


    local-hostpath-pvc Pending openebs-hostpath 3m7s


Create Pod to Consume OpenEBS Local PV Hostpath Storage

  1. Here is the configuration file for the Pod that uses Local PV. Save the following Pod definition to local-hostpath-pod.yaml.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: hello-local-hostpath-pod
      - name: local-storage
          claimName: local-hostpath-pvc
      - name: hello-container
        image: busybox
           - sh
           - -c
           - 'while true; do echo "`date` [`hostname`] Hello from OpenEBS Local PV." >> /mnt/store/greet.txt; sleep $(($RANDOM % 5 + 300)); done'
        - mountPath: /mnt/store
          name: local-storage

    As the Local PV storage classes use waitForFirstConsumer, do not use nodeName in the Pod spec to specify node affinity. If nodeName is used in the Pod spec, then PVC will remain in pending state. See here for more details.

  2. Create the Pod:

    kubectl apply -f local-hostpath-pod.yaml

  3. Verify that the container in the Pod is running.

    kubectl get pod hello-local-hostpath-pod

  4. Verify that the data is being written to the volume.

    kubectl exec hello-local-hostpath-pod -- cat /mnt/store/greet.txt

  5. Verify that the container is using the Local PV Hostpath.

    kubectl describe pod hello-local-hostpath-pod

    The output shows that the Pod is running on Node: gke-user-helm-default-pool-3a63aff5-1tmf and using the persistent volume provided by local-hostpath-pvc.

    Name: hello-local-hostpath-pod
    Namespace: default
    Priority: 0
    Node: gke-user-helm-default-pool-3a63aff5-1tmf/
    Start Time: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:56:04 +0000
    Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
    ClaimName: local-hostpath-pvc
    ReadOnly: false
  6. Look at the PersistentVolumeClaim again to see the details about the dynamically provisioned Local PersistentVolume

    kubectl get pvc local-hostpath-pvc

    The output shows that the STATUS is Bound. A new Persistent Volume pvc-864a5ac8-dd3f-416b-9f4b-ffd7d285b425 has been created.

    local-hostpath-pvc Bound pvc-864a5ac8-dd3f-416b-9f4b-ffd7d285b425 5G RWO openebs-hostpath 28m
  7. Look at the PersistentVolume details to see where the data is stored. Replace the PVC name with the one that was displayed in the previous step.

    kubectl get pv pvc-864a5ac8-dd3f-416b-9f4b-ffd7d285b425 -o yaml

    The output shows that the PV was provisioned in response to PVC request spec.claimRef.name: local-hostpath-pvc.

    apiVersion: v1

    kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pvc-864a5ac8-dd3f-416b-9f4b-ffd7d285b425


    pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by: openebs.io/local




    - ReadWriteOnce


    storage: 5G


    apiVersion: v1

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim

    name: local-hostpath-pvc

    namespace: default



LAB: Stateful Workloads with WordPress and MySQL

We have 2 files to use to deploy wordpress and mysql. Each file contais a Deployment, Service and PVC object.  One of them is mysql.yaml and the other one is wordpress.yaml.

You may want to change the WordPress service type LoadBalancer to NodePort, if you dont have metallb deployed and you don't have any other backend to serve out loadbalancer IPs.  To do that, edit WordPress.yaml file and change the service type from
type: LoadBalancer to type: NodePort

Here is wordpress.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: wordpress
    app: wordpress
    - port: 80
    app: wordpress
    tier: frontend
  type: LoadBalancer

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: wp-pv-claim
    app: wordpress
  storageClassName: openebs-hostpath 
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 20Gi

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: wordpress
    app: wordpress
    tier: frontend
      app: wordpress
      tier: frontend
    type: Recreate
        app: wordpress
        tier: frontend
        - image: wordpress:4.6.1-apache
          name: wordpress
            - name: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST
              value: wordpress-mysql
            - name: WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD
              value: changeme
            - containerPort: 80
              name: wordpress
            - name: wordpress-persistent-storage
              mountPath: /var/www/html
        - name: wordpress-persistent-storage
            claimName: wp-pv-claim


Here is the file for mysql.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: wordpress-mysql
    app: wordpress
    - port: 3306
    app: wordpress
    tier: mysql
  clusterIP: None
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: mysql-wordpress-pv-claim
    app: wordpress
  storageClassName: openebs-hostpath
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 20Gi
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: wordpress-mysql
    app: wordpress
    tier: mysql
      app: wordpress
      tier: mysql
    type: Recreate
        app: wordpress
        tier: mysql
        - image: mysql:5.6
          name: mysql
            - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
              value: changeme
            - containerPort: 3306
              name: mysql
            - name: mysql-persistent-storage
              mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
        - name: mysql-persistent-storage
            claimName: mysql-wordpress-pv-claim


Let us create them. Its' better to create mysql.yaml first since Wordpress depends on the database.

kubectl create -f mysql.yaml

service/wordpress-mysql created
persistentvolumeclaim/mysql-wordpress-pv-claim created
deployment.apps/wordpress-mysql created
kubectl create -f wordpress.yaml

service/wordpress created
persistentvolumeclaim/wp-pv-claim created
deployment.apps/wordpress created


Kubectl get pods

wordpress-658d46dddd-rf74j               1/1     Running   4 (15m ago)   18m
wordpress-mysql-bd686767f-jslsr          1/1     Running   0             16m


kubectl get pv

pvc-0a1ddbee-20d7-4bde-a192-4ec200604d60   20Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound      default/mysql-wordpress-pv-claim   openebs-hostpath   <unset>

pvc-b619d6c5-33d3-433b-8ae2-03fa9d5b15fc   20Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound      default/wp-pv-claim                openebs-hostpath   <unset>


kubectl get pvc

mysql-wordpress-pv-claim   Bound    pvc-0a1ddbee-20d7-4bde-a192-4ec200604d60   20Gi       RWO            openebs-hostpath   <unset>                 18m

wp-pv-claim                Bound    pvc-b619d6c5-33d3-433b-8ae2-03fa9d5b15fc   20Gi       RWO            openebs-hostpath   <unset>                 21m



kubectl get svc

wordpress               LoadBalancer   80:31872/TCP     22m
wordpress-mysql         ClusterIP      None             <none>         3306/TCP         19m


Now that WordPress and mysql have been deployed, let us attempt to configure WordPress. Since we run the service as a Loadbalancer we can access WordPress with as we can see the IP above. If you used NodePort, you need to replace the IP with  the IP address of one of the cluster nodes (can be any worker node)  and the NodePort ( for example 31872) assigned to the WordPress service.

Put the IP of the Loadbalancer in your browser and the wordpress page will appear for you to configure.

To use the NodePort, let us use the IP of one of the cluster nodes. You can use this command to obtain the IP of one of the cluster nodes:

kubectl get nodes -o wide

NOTE: Accessing your services requyires that you undertsand Kubernetes Service Objects discussed under newtworking. Your K8S cluster setup will determine how you access your services and in fact this requires that you understand networking concepts.


Assigning Pods to Nodes

The Kubernetes scheduler assigns pods to nodes as needed, but sometimes you may want to influence how the scheduler does that. For some example, you may want to assign certain pods to certain nodes, maybe because those pods can function better on those nodes. For example, if a cluster node has SSDs and a particular application (say databases) may function better using SSD syou may want those pods schedules on those nodes. There are 2 main categorizations for doing this:

1. Labels on the nodes - Here, you assign labels to the nodes, and then you tell the scheduler to assign pods to those nodes using Label selector attributes such as:

  • NodeLabel 
  • NodeName
  • Node Affinity
  • Pod Affinity

2. You can reserve some cluster nodes with a feature called Taint. When a node has taint on it, no Pod will be scheduled on it except you apply a Toleration on the pod. Hence, Taint and Toleration can be used to direct pods to reserved cluster nodes. 

In summary, you can either use Labels and Label selectors or Taint and Toleration to control advanced scheduling in Kubernetes. By advanced, I mean the ability to avoid the default scheduler behavior and do things your won way.


Lab: Node Selector

This is the simplest, recommended form of assigning a pod to a node. You can add the nodeSelector field to your Pod specification and specify the labels on the target node. Below is an example.

Step 1: Select a node to which you want to add a label 

For example, let’s say we want to add a new label with the key “disktype” and value “ssd” to the “host02” node, which is a node with the SSD storage. To do so, run: page1image727068304

$kubectl get nodes –show-labels

You can also view the tags by describing the host as below: 

$kubectl describe node "host02"

$kubectl label nodes host02 disktype=ssd


Step 2: Save the following to nodeselector.yaml and create it 

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
    env: test
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    disktype: ssd


Kubectl get pods -o wide

Here we can see that the pod is running in the node that was labelled. If there is no node with the label, the pod will go into ‘pending’ state. 


LAB: Affinity and Anti-Affinity

This also uses labels on the Pod or Node. You can either use existing labels added by Kubernetes, or you can add your own labels. The difference between this method and NodeSelector is that you have more options in how to control the scheduling behavior. Here are some of the things you can do:

  • The affinity/anti-affinity language is more expressive
  • You can indicate that a rule is soft or preferred, which indicates flexibility as against hard and no other option.
    • requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: The scheduler can't schedule the Pod unless the rule is met. This functions like nodeSelector, but with a more expressive syntax.
    • preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: The scheduler tries to find a node that meets the rule. If a matching node is not available, the scheduler still schedules the Pod.
  • You can constrain a Pod using labels on other Pods running on the node (or other topological domain), instead of just node labels

Node Affinity Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: with-node-affinity
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
            operator: In
            - antarctica-east1
            - antarctica-west1
      - weight: 1
          - key: another-node-label-key
            operator: In
            - another-node-label-value
  - name: with-node-affinity
    image: registry.k8s.io/pause:2.0

Pod Affinity example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: with-pod-affinity
      - labelSelector:
          - key: security
            operator: In
            - S1
        topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
      - weight: 100
            - key: security
              operator: In
              - S2
          topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
  - name: with-pod-affinity
    image: registry.k8s.io/pause:2.0


InterPod Affinity

In the following example Deployment for the Redis cache, the replicas get the label app=store. The podAntiAffinity rule tells the scheduler to avoid placing multiple replicas with the app=store label on a single node. This creates each cache in a separate node.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: redis-cache
      app: store
  replicas: 3
        app: store
          - labelSelector:
              - key: app
                operator: In
                - store
            topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
      - name: redis-server
        image: redis:3.2-alpine


Anti-pod Affinity

The following example Deployment for the web servers creates replicas with the label app=web-store. The Pod affinity rule tells the scheduler to place each replica on a node that has a Pod with the label app=store. The Pod anti-affinity rule tells the scheduler never to place multiple app=web-store servers on a single node.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: web-server
      app: web-store
  replicas: 3
        app: web-store
          - labelSelector:
              - key: app
                operator: In
                - web-store
            topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
          - labelSelector:
              - key: app
                operator: In
                - store
            topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
      - name: web-app
        image: nginx:1.16-alpine



nodeName is a more direct form of node selection than affinity or nodeSelectornodeName is a field in the Pod spec. If the nodeName field is not empty, the scheduler ignores the Pod and the kubelet on the named node tries to place the Pod on that node.

Using nodeName overrules using nodeSelector or affinity and anti-affinity rules.

Some of the limitations of using nodeName to select nodes are:

  • If the named node does not exist, the Pod will not run, and in some cases may be automatically deleted.
  • If the named node does not have the resources to accommodate the Pod, the Pod will fail and its reason will indicate why, for example OutOfmemory or OutOfcpu.
  • Node names in cloud environments are not always predictable or stable.

Here is an example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
  nodeName: kube-01


Taint and Toleration

Here is how you taint a node

kubectl taint nodes node1 key1=value1:NoSchedule

The taint has key key1, value value1, and taint effect NoSchedule. This means that no pod will be able to schedule onto node1 unless it has a matching toleration.

To remove the taint added by the command above, you can run:

kubectl taint nodes node1 key1=value1:NoSchedule-

Here is how you specify the toleration in a pod:

You specify a toleration for a pod in the PodSpec. Both of the following tolerations "match" the taint created by the kubectl taint line above, and thus a pod with either toleration would be able to schedule onto node1:

- key: "key1"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "value1"
  effect: "NoSchedule"

Here is an example of a pod that accepts the toleration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
    env: test
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  - key: "example-key"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"


The above example used the effect of NoSchedule

The allowed values for the effect field are:


This affects pods that are already running on the node as follows:

  • Pods that do not tolerate the taint are evicted immediately
  • Pods that tolerate the taint without specifying tolerationSeconds in their toleration specification remain bound forever
  • Pods that tolerate the taint with a specified tolerationSeconds remain bound for the specified amount of time. After that time elapses, the node lifecycle controller evicts the Pods from the node.


No new Pods will be scheduled on the tainted node unless they have a matching toleration. Pods currently running on the node are not evicted.


PreferNoSchedule is a "preference" or "soft" version of NoSchedule. The control plane will try to avoid placing a Pod that does not tolerate the taint on the node, but it is not guaranteed.

  • Instructor :Damian Igbe
  • Lectures :40
  • Duration :40
  • Enrolled :150 students
  • Language :English


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